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    發(fā)布日期:2024-06-10 瀏覽次數(shù):734

    Halal Policy


    Zymogreen Global Co.,Ltd ensures to consistently produce halal products in meeting consumers’ needs including those of the Moslem consumers, we will achieve this by:


    1. Ensuring all the raw materials introduced in the production are approved by LPPOM MUI.

    保證在生產(chǎn)中使用的原輔料都經(jīng)過(guò)LP POM MUI 的批準(zhǔn)。

    2. Ensuring all the production systems are clean enough and free from non-halal.


    3. Ensuring all the finished goods manufactured for Moslem consumers are certified halal by LPPOM MUI.

    保證所有提供給穆斯林的產(chǎn)品有LP POM MUI的清真證書。

    Zymogreen Global Co.,Ltd ensures to consistently produce halal products

    in meeting consumers’ needs including those of the Moslem consumers, we will

    achieve this by:



    Ensuring all the raw materials introduced in the production are approved

    by LPPOM MUI.

    保證在生產(chǎn)中使用的原輔料都經(jīng)過(guò)LP POM MUI 的批準(zhǔn)。

    2.      Ensuring all the production systems are clean

    enough and free from non-halal.


    3.      Ensuring all the finished goods manufactured for

    Moslem consumers are certified halal by LPPOM MUI.

    保證所有提供給穆斯林的產(chǎn)品有LP POM MUI的清真證書。

    亚洲无码人妻精品,人妻系列中文字幕在线网,久久久久久国产精品视频,在线播放AⅤ免费播放国产 一区二区精品视频在线精品 日本欧美日韩亚洲综合区
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